"Dragi potencijalno zainteresirani studenti UCG-a,


Imamo dobre vijesti za sve vas: velikodušni stipendijski program pod nazivom Stipendium Hungaricum se nastavlja, neprekidno čak i pod privremenim poteškoćama pandemije i već se priprema za sljedeću akademsku godinu nakon COVID-19!


Mađarska vam nudi pune stipendije za studije na svim razinama, na mađarskim univerzitetima u širokom spektru programa na engleskom jeziku za akademsku godinu 2021-2022.

Prilike za diplomske postdiplomske i doktorske studije koje financira Vlada Mađarske, čekaju vas da steknete BA, MA ili PhD zvanje na odabranom polju.


Stipendija "Stipendium Hungaricum" pokriva cjelokupnu školarinu odabranog programa, nudi smještaj u univerzitetskim domovima i pruža mjesečnu financijsku potporu za pokrivanje vaših životnih troškova.


Uspješna prijava za Stipendium Hungaricum može vam otvoriti put - kao gostu Mađarske - vašoj univerzitetskoj diplomi koja je priznata u svim zemljama EU.


Da biste saznali više o svojim mogućnostima, provjerite dostupne programe na mađarskim visokoškolskim institucijama u vašem području interesa:



Za detalje i uvjete postupka prijave:

- Study in Hungary: http://studyinhungary.hu/blog/stipendium-hungaricum-call-for-applications-for-the-2021-22-academic-year-is-published

- Call for Applications and Annexes: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/apply/

- The online application system: https://apply.stipendiumhungaricum.hu/


Rok za podnošenje prijave: 16. januara 2021. „




"Dear Possibly Interested Students of UCG,


Here is the good news for all of You: the generous Stipendium Hungaricum scholapship programme continues uninterrupted even under the temporary difficulties of the pandemic and already prepares for the next academic year after the COVID-19!


Hungary offers You full scholarships for studies at Hungarian universities in a broad range of programmes in English at all levels again in the academic year 2021-2022.

Hungarian state-funded graduate, post-graduate and doctoral study opportunities await You to earn your BA, MA or PhD degree in your field of choice.


The "Stipendium Hungaricum" scholarship covers the entire tuition fee of the chosen programme, offers university dormitory accomodation and provides monthly financial support to cover part of your living expenses.


A successful application for Stipendium Hungaricum can open an avenue to your university degree recognized in all EU countries as the guest of Hungary.


In order to find out more about your options, check the available programmes at Hungarian institutions of higher education in your field of interest: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/study-finder/

For the details and conditions of the application process:

- Study in Hungary: http://studyinhungary.hu/blog/stipendium-hungaricum-call-for-applications-for-the-2021-22-academic-year-is-published

- Call for Applications and Annexes: https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/apply/

- The online application system: https://apply.stipendiumhungaricum.hu/


Deadline for the submission of your application: 16 January 2021."